Bucking the trend of a disposable society
(published in Metro magazine)
Fashion has always been a force that pushes forward, seeking out the next big thing, looking for the next hot trend. But at a time when consumerism has seemingly spiraled out of control, and when high fashion and ‘luxury’ brands are churning out goods at mass-produced rates, the things that inspire me the most are those that are likely to have been around for some time, and will continue to be stylish for years to come.
Sense of History
It’s not that I only like old things, because I am as thrilled and excited by all things shiny and new as the next person. But I do like things—old or new—with a story behind them. And vintage pieces, by their very nature, always come with a sense of history whether real or imagined. I think it’s the idea of pieces designed to last more than a season and created for a reason other than to make a fast buck that captures my imagination.
Timeless Quality
The level of quality and attention to detail of older pieces is something not often found even in newer ‘luxury’ items that have been compromised for the sake of better business returns. Trends are usually designed to be exciting but fleeting. However, when quality and attention to detail are given to a design, even something trendy can transcend it’s seasonality and become a modern classic.
Unexpected Contrast
Throwing together vintage and contemporary pieces also makes for a more interesting look because of the contrast created—the look is less expected than wearing head-to-toe fashion from the same season. Many designers (myself included) love to draw inspiration from past decades when creating modern designs because it fashions a bridge between our past and our future, evoking both a feeling of familiarity and sense of excitement at the same time.
In an age of mass-consumerism and global branding, finding something unique can be quite a challenge. Vintage pieces remind us of a time when fashion was more customized and personalized, when individual quirkiness and idiosyncrasies were prized, and when not everything had to be produced on a global scale—much like where fashion is headed again today. In the end, fashion’s next wave of the future may just be a nod to our past.