My birthday this year fell on a Sunday, which made it the perfect day to just have a loooong, laaaaazy brunch with family. Luckily, after all the recent storms, the sunny weather was just perfect for a drive down to Tagaytay for brunch at one of our favorite restaurants, Antonio’s, where we ate enough steak, drank enough wine and ate even more dessert to last us til dinner (and beyond). Obviously my birthday resolution beginning today is to go on a serious DIET…but life’s too short not to over indulge every once in a while, right? 😉
Everyone’s greetings through facebook, twitter, texts and calls really added to making my birthday even more special. Having such great family and friends all around and being allowed to enjoy so many of life’s amazing experiences year after year are really all I could possibly wish for. Life is good and I’m extremely grateful!
*Thanks to Ito & John for the pics!