It’s a little over three weeks into the new year and I’ve finally gotten around to writing a new blog post 🙂 As Ito and I continue the clearing and renewing process we began in the last few weeks of 2018, we find ourselves endlessly giving thanks for the year that just passed. Each year presents its unique triumphs and challenges, but with perspective I’ve realised that what made 2018 different for us was that it brought the things we considered truly important into greater clarity.
First of all, instead of the goals, checklists and strategies that we followed in previous years, purpose and intention became the guiding force that moved us through 2018. From our work to our personal projects, doing things simply because it was the way we always did it just didn’t work anymore. We realised that having a purpose behind even the smallest thing that we did was significant, and that starting off with a proper intention was even more important than a meticulously laid plan. This felt very strange at first, and there were hits and misses as we slowly let go of the old way we did things, but on the whole we ended the year feeling everything was better aligned with who we really were, and we had a much lighter, freer energy to work with 🙂
So as our learning curve continues and we open our arms wide in welcoming 2019, we give a big “thank you!” to the things we learned in 2018:
Learning to honor our bodies. We learned to customise our “health plan” and found that spending more time in nature kept us mentally, spiritually, physically & creatively balanced.
Learning to slow down and go with the flow. Releasing anxiety over “keeping busy” and mindlessly chasing after things–instead practicing simply being.
Learning to love ourselves. What better way to kick off the first day of 2018 than with a project that fully aligned with the things I truly valued and believed in 🙂
Learning to always keep an open mind. In 2018 our travels and our life journey came together and taught us the value of flexibility and always staying open to change.
Learning how to overcome “obstacles”. In 2018 we learned that things are not always what they seem, and that “obstacles” seen from a different perspective can be “blessings”.
Learning to appreciate the unedited, unfiltered aspects of life. Authenticity and seeing things for what they really were was a big lesson in 2018.
Learning to honor the journey. Everything has its cycle, and after nine years in the drawing room, we knew that it was time to welcome better things and move on 🙂
Learning to dream, play, create. With all the changes of 2018, we found ourselves clearing out our workspace and allowing our imagination and creativity to bring new life to things.
In a nutshell, 2018 taught us that there was a big difference between what we were told was important growing up, and what was truly important to us (personally) as we’ve grown and matured. The purpose and intention behind what we do plays a more important role in bringing significance to our lives than the perception of what “success” is. So with this in mind, we are very excited to apply what we’ve learned and eager to see what 2019 has in store for us!