It’s the first week of August, and it feels like an appropriate way to welcome the month is with the things we love to celebrate–and one of those things, based on the number of hashtagged Instagram posts, is #adventure. But what is adventure? Is it only about ticking off bucket-lists or chasing after impossible-to-reach places? Is it always about somersaulting off cliffs or falling head first into extreme experiences? Maybe. But to me the spirit of adventure is about so much more.
Adventure to me connotes an openness to trying something different, a fresh way of seeing the world, a willingness to step outside what feels comfortable. It involves discovery, and a surrender to the surprises of the unknown. Adventures don’t always have to be epic–they can be everyday ones, like experimenting with a new look in the morning or taking a different approach to a daily task.
These past months, Ito and I purposely took a step (or several!) back, and while unnerving at times, the new vantage point gave us an altered way of viewing–and doing–things and a revitalized eagerness to explore and uncover new things from the old and familiar. While big-ticket adventures are always exhilarating, we found out that a day doing something creative, or heading off on a simple road trip, or revisiting places we hadn’t been to in a while, could unearth something awe-inspiring. The important thing was learning to keep our hearts and minds wide open to whatever came our way.
So as we move forward into the year, we hope to continue carrying this spirit of adventure into everything we do. And while we may not always know how or where things will end up, we hope to share things with you and take you along for the (sometimes bumpy) ride anyway! 🙂
*For fashion, style, and simple everyday adventures follow me on Instagram @tippiocampo 🙂
**Photos by Ito