It’s been a busy past few weeks for Ito and me, but instead of fashion we’ve found ourselves focused on an ‘adulting’ aspect of life–home maintenance. But surprisingly, even amidst the cleaning and clearing, recycling and restoring, repairing and repainting, there was still a lot of design inspiration to be found 🙂
One afternoon, after most of the paint touch-ups in the house had been done, some shadows fell on the cover we had used to catch the paint drippings, and the shaded areas looked a bit like a rose. So with the leftover paint, we decided to create our own “Not By the Book” graffiti art and paint a huge blooming rose on the construction tarpaulin. It was such a fun project to do, I’m actually looking forward to doing more!
So who says you need a green thumb to make things bloom? 😉
*Photos and video by Ito Ocampo/ Illustration by Tippi Ocampo